Dec 30, 2022

Things get pretty chilly up here in Greenwich, CT, and it’s vital to protect your car so it’ll run well for you all year long. Here are a few tips your INFINITI dealer can offer about keeping your vehicle safe and running reliably in the cold weather.



4 Tips for Protecting Your Car in the Cold Weather of Greenwich, CT

1.    Protect the Gas and Lines2019 INFINITI QX60 | Greenwich, CT

Ethanol binds to water, meaning ethanol in regular gas attracts more water to your gas tank the longer it sits. Water, of course, freezes much more quickly than gasoline. If you’re driving your tank dry regularly, this shouldn’t be an issue, but if your vehicle will be sitting regularly in cold winter weather, there’s a chance the ethanol will attract moisture to your gas lines, which could freeze up your lines on a cold night.


There are a couple of fixes here. For one, you can put in additives available at any gas station, big box store, or auto store that will help stabilize your fuel mix. For another, you can visit one of the gas stations in the area that sells ethanol-free gas. Finally, you can be sure your tank is always at least half empty. The emptier the tank, the more likely moisture will collect.


2.    Keep the Seals Operating Smoothly

Have you ever come out on a cold Connecticut morning and found your car door was tough to open? Even worse, have you gotten to a gas station only to find you couldn’t get that little fuel door to pop? You can avoid this by using a simple silicone spray on your car’s seals: around the trunk, doors, and fuel door.


The seals on your car keep out moisture, dust, and even noise. During the winter, the rubber in the seals attracts moisture, which can freeze. By spraying this all down with silicone spray, you stop the rubber from drawing moisture, so gaskets aren’t as likely to freeze up.



3.    Keep It Under Cover

If you have a garage, use it during the winter. Keeping snow off the car will protect it and should help make it easier for you to get started in the morning. If you don’t have a garage, use a car cover. If that’s too much trouble, at least get a snow windshield cover. These sit across your entire windshield, protecting it from snow and ice.



4.    Get Better Windshield Fluid

A regular inspection before the winter weather arrives is the best way to be sure your car is prepared. Bring it to us, and we’ll check the tires, brakes, fluids, and everything else to be sure you can rely on your vehicle no matter what Mother Nature does.


For more great tips and to be sure your car is ready to go this winter, come see us at DARCARS INFINITI of Greenwich.